Protecting Your Assets
Information On Insurance, Trusts & Corporations
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Information On Insurance, Trusts & Corporations
The best way to protect your assets against you being sued for causing harm by carelessness is to buy insurance policies. In Nevada, state law only requires you to have a small amount of liability insurance on your vehicle which protects you if you are sued if you carelessly hurt someone while driving. I advise paying extra to buy enough insurance so that your liability limit is large compared to your assets.
Most attorneys who might sue you on the basis that you carelessly injured their client will advise their client to accept an insurance settlement rather than insisting on going after your personal assets as long as the insurance limit of coverage is large compared to your assets.
If you own a home, your home owner's insurance may cover you for many negligent acts, for example, for injuring another skier if the injury was caused by your carelessness. You can also buy an "umbrella policy" that will extent the liability coverage on your autos and protect you in situations such as the ski accident.
If you run a business, we recommend a business insurance policy. These need not be expensive, depending on the type of business.
If you practice a profession such as accounting, law or medicine, you should have professional liability insurance.
It is a common misconception that it is easy and legal to simply put your assets in a trust and be protected from creditors. It is helpful to consider these 4 concepts:
Jacqueline S. Ackerman
Law Offices of Jacqueline S. Ackerman LLC
2620 Regatta Drive, Suite 102
Las Vegas, NV 89128
phone: 702-304-2411
For most people engaging in business activity we think that adequate insurance along with exploration of your options for using corporations for protection makes the best sense.
Insurance does not cover intentional bad acts. If a surgeon carelessly does the wrong operation on you, his or her malpractice insurance will cover the claim. If a surgeon sexually assaults you the malpractice insurance company is off the hook. This is why if two people get into an argument and one person falls down and cracks his skull, the victim's attorney may argue that the knock-down resulted from negligence rather than an intentional push.